The Friends of the Sandwich Town Archives, also known as FOSTA, provides funding and support to the Archives toward --​​​​
Preservation of historic manuscripts and photographs​
Public accessibility for research and education
Environment maintenance​
Historic Map Donation
Town Archivist Jen Ratliff (pictured on left) accepting the donation of numerous historic maps from Sandwich native Valerie Caron. The maps were collected by Valerie's mother, Mrs. Edgar (Anna) Caron, who volunteered in our archives for many years. The donation is much appreciated as it will enhance the town's collection and serve as a valuable resource for future research.

Mystery Solved!
A collection of miniature historic houses, currently on display in the MacKnight Room at the Sandwich Public Library, includes one home that had not been identified.
But due to some good detective work and assistance from social media, it seems the mystery has now been solved. Read what has recently been learned about the house that once stood at 11 Water Street--and the entire miniature collection--in the January 9 edition of The Sandwich Enterprise. ​​

Sandwich Library Hires New Town Archivist
​FOSTA is excited to welcome Sandwich's new Town Archivist Jen Ratliff! We're confident that Jen's education, experience, and enthusiasm will serve the town well. Please email or call to make an appointment. Jen can be reached at jratliff@sandwich.ocln.org or 508-888-0625 ext. 2150.
Read more about Jen in The Sandwich Enterprise.

Brigid Kelly,
2024 scholarship winner!
Sandwich High School senior Brigid Kelly is the recipient of the 2024 Barbara Luksanen Gill Scholarship. Brigid will be attending Babson College this fall with a major in business and will also participate as a track athlete. She is pictured here accepting her $1,500 award from FOSTA vice president John Walker.
"Let us save what remains: not by vaults and locks which fence them from the public eye and use in consigning them to the waste of time, but by such a multiplication of copies, as shall place them beyond the reach of accident."